Terms of Use
Standard Terms and Conditions of Web Site Use
Access to this site is granted subject to the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of these terms and conditions of web site use, "Proficiency.Online", "P.O", "PO", "Company", "we", "our" or "us" meansProficiency Online Pty Ltd, our employees, partners, agents and suppliers.
The content of this web site and logos are copyright © of Proficiency.Online Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. Proficiency.Online and the P.O logo are registered trademarks. Some company names may be copyright or trademarks of the respective companies, and this is acknowledged. Copying of any part of this website is prohibited except in accordance with the following limited permissions: You may view this page on screen and print out a copy for personal use. You may send a link to the site to any potential client that would benefit commercially from the information contained within the site. All other copying and distribution of any of the contents of this site is strictly forbidden. You should generally consider the content of this site to be "Commercial In Confidence".
Contacting Us
We can be contacted by using the contact information or email forms contained within this website. If your communication warrants a reply and we are unable to respond immediately, we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable time period.
Use of the Service / Site
To use the service / site you need an up to date browser that has appropriate plug-ins enabled to facilitate the correct functioning of the site. Clients that have been issued with a login that allows them to access our intellectual property are responsible for keeping their login details confidential. If the private login details of a client become known by others, the client is responsible for immediately changing their password or requesting from us directly a change of password in order to maintain security of our intellectual property. Failure to take reasonable precautions or measures to protect your private login details may leave you directly liable to cover any losses we incur, not limited to but possibly including loss of potential income, our time, service provider fees, legal fees and any other costs we incur in rectifying the issues and protecting our rights to maintain ownership of our intellectual property. This may include appropriate action being taken for breach of copyright or infringement of our registered trade marks.
Provision & Delivery of Service
At no point in this site do we offer specific, tailored advice to you or your organisation. Information is of a generic nature and cannot be applied reliably to specific situations or organisations. If specific, tailored advice is requried, we must be engaged directly on a fee for service agreement.
Where delivery is made electronically it will be from our office or server. Where physical items are required to be delivered these will be despatched either from our office or directly from our supplier(s), or both. Where we are requried to attend in person, prices quoted are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and may be subject to addition of local taxes.
Any physical delivery required to be made (goods or services), it is assumed that delivery will be within 100 km of 4558 Queensland. Delivery outside this area will be subject to surcharges.
Copyright & Licensing Copyright Material
All material on the website is protected by copyright under the laws of Australia and through international treaties in other countries. If you acquire documents and information from us, paid or for free, the information is provided with a restricted license covering non exclusive use and for use within your organisation only. It may not be copied, distributed, re used or be used to generate fee earning services or revenue for your organisation.
Links to Third Party Sites
This website may contain links to websites operated by parties other than us. Such links are provided in good faith and for your convenience only. We do not control such websites, and as such we cannot be held responsible for their contents. Our inclusion of links to third party websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites or any association with their owners and/or operators.
All material published by us is published in good faith. We cannot be held liable in any way for any loss, inconvenience or any other problems incurred with the use of the site, services provided through the site or documents made available through the site. We try our utmost to ensure that faults and problems do not occur. If you discover a fault please use a contact form and let us know. We may suspend the site from time to time if we need to do repairs or maintenance work or introduce new features to the site, however we will try and minimise disruption and uphold access where reasonably possible at these times. We cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience, error or loss of any nature or description, due to lack of availability of any materials we offer from this site.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless us from any and all liability, penalties, losses, damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, causes of action, circumstance or claims caused by or resulting directly from the service, documents and information we have provided to you, which damages either you, us, or any other party or parties without limitation or exception. This indemnification and hold harmless agreement extends to all aspects of the service.
We may amend these terms and conditions at any time by posting the amended terms on our site. All amended terms shall automatically take effect 30 days after being posted to the site.
Governing Law
The contents of these Terms and Conditions are governed under Queensland law. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Queensland Australia in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this website, the documents contained within it or information we have provided.
Terms and Conditions valid from - April 2016.